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Fatal Accidents Claims

Let us get you the compensation you deserve.


Fatal accident claims can be the most difficult and upsetting to deal with, and at this difficult time dealing with a claim for compensation may be the last thing you want to think about. There are no written or spoken words that can ease your pain; however, it is our experience that you will have numerous questions about what you should do next and you should therefore seek specialist legal advice.

At Robert James Solicitors we will approach your case with compassion, empathy and efficiency, as we understand that the idea of lengthy court proceedings will be difficult to contemplate. Accordingly, the solicitors in our fatal accident team are experienced in dealing with fatal accident claims and understand that you will want the case to be dealt with as sensitively and thoroughly as possible.

We understand that repetition is one of the main sources of frustration for those who have survived the loss of a loved one, therefore to ensure that this is kept to an absolute minimum, we will take extensive instructions from you during our first meeting and we will confirm what documents we need from you. In this way, we will seldom need to revisit what has happened, thus ensuring that you do not have to relive your loss over and over again.

Robert James Solicitors have over 25 years’ experience and an excellent track record of supporting clients in making Fatal Accidents claims. If you or your loved ones require legal advice and support on how best to proceed with a Fatal Accidents claim, call one of our specialist solicitors on 0151 559 0120 or complete our online claim form and one of our solicitors will call you back.

Good to Know

Frequently asked questions related to Fatal Accidents are answered below. If you have any other questions about Serious Injury Claims, contact us for further information and advice.

How will I pay my bills after the death of my partner?

With more and more people living month-to-month, the unexpected loss of a loved one can have a devastating effect upon families.

This can often mean that families lose their only/main household income and with bills to pay, this adds additional stress at a time when you will already be under tremendous pressure.

In such circumstances a request for an interim payment should be submitted to the defendant insurer without delay. Such payments are an advance payment against the final settlement awarded at the conclusion of your case.

The court may make an award for an interim payment where the defendant has admitted liability to pay damages to you and the court is satisfied that you would receive a substantial amount of money from the defendant. Robert James solicitors have significant experience of securing substantial interim payments for clients in all cases.

Robert James solicitors also have links with benefits advisers who are able to offer advice regarding available benefits and support to those who have been bereaved in an accident.

What will I need if I intend to make a fatal accident claim?

To ensure that the case is progressed as quickly as possible, we will normally need you to provide the following documents:

  1. Marriage certificates, civil partnership certificates or birth certificates.
  2. Documents relating to the deceased's earnings, i.e. wage slips and/or accounts.
  3. Life insurance policies.
  4. Pension documents.
  5. Documents relating to funeral expenses.
  6. Details of any litigation which the deceased was involved in that they may have benefited from.
  7. Documents relating to the education of the deceased.
  8. Details of any expenses incurred for the provision of services and assistance in respect of roles that would have normally been completed by the deceased.

Please note that you will not need these documents in order to start a claim, instead this is intended to give you an idea of the documents that will be needed to more forward with your case.

If you know certain documents exist but you cannot locate these, Robert James solicitors can obtain these for you.

Who can bring a fatal accident claim?

To claim you must be a dependent as defined by statute or have a reasonable expectation of financial support from the deceased.

The definition of a dependent is noted within Fatal Accidents Act 1976, which limits the claimants to the following:

  1. The wife or husband or former wife or husband of the deceased.
  2. The civil partner or former civil partner of the deceased.
  3. Any person who:
    1. Was living with the deceased in the same household immediately before the date of death; and
    2. Had been living with the deceased in the same household for at least 2 years before the date of death; and
    3. Was living during the whole of that period as the husband or wife of the deceased.
  4. Any parent or other ascendant of the deceased.
  5. Any person who was treated by the deceased as his parent.
  6. Any child or other descendant of the deceased.
  7. Any person (not being a child of the deceased) who, in the case of any marriage to which the deceased was at any time a party, was treated by the deceased as a child of the family in relation to that marriage.
  8. Any person (not being a child of the deceased) who, in the case of any civil partnership to which the deceased was at any time a party, was treated by the deceased as a child of the family in relation to that civil partnership.
  9. Any person who is, or is the issue of, a brother, sister, uncle or aunt of the deceased.

Check if You're Eligible

Contact us to find out if you're eligible to make a Fatal Accidents Claim.

Submit your phone number and a member of our experienced team will call you.

Make a Claim

Start your Fatal Accidents Claim online today.