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Medical Negligence Claims

Let us get you the compensation you deserve.


Doctors, dentists and other medical professionals such as nurses are highly skilled professionals and are subject to a strict code of conduct and regulatory regime by their respective professional bodies. They owe a duty of care to act in the best interests of their patients at all times.

In England and Wales, most medical care and treatment is excellent; however, due to increased demands on the NHS and limited resources, there are an increasing number of patients who are receiving a lack of treatment or negligent treatment and then sustain consequential injuries and losses.

When treatment is not provided, or it goes wrong, the effects can be devastating and life changing. If your treatment has gone wrong, you may be entitled to pursue a claim for medical/clinical negligence and you may be entitled to recover damages for your injuries and losses.

Robert James Solicitors have over 25 years’ experience and an excellent track record of supporting clients in making Medical Negligence claims. If you or your loved ones require legal advice and support on how best to proceed with a Medical Negligence claim, call one of our specialist solicitors on 0151 559 0120 or complete our online claim form and one of our solicitors will call you back.

Common Claims

Good to Know

Frequently asked questions related to Medical Negligence are answered below. If you have any other questions about Serious Injury Claims, contact us for further information and advice.

Have I received negligent medical treatment?

There are numerous examples of medical negligence; however, whether your treatment was negligent will depend on the specific details of your case. For ease of reference we have set out some of the common areas of medical negligence that we have dealt with, as follows:

  • Failure to diagnose a condition.
  • Misdiagnosis of a condition.
  • Delay in making a referral, causing an adverse outcome or complication.
  • Error during surgery or medical procedure.
  • Administering the wrong drugs or no drugs at all.
  • Failing to warn you about the risks of a procedure or treatment (lack of informed consent).
  • Infections acquired during a stay in hospital.
  • Wrongful tooth extractions.
  • Undergoing an unnecessary procedure.
  • The development of bedsores, whilst receiving treatment.

Our specialist solicitors have dealt with other examples of medical and dental negligence claims. If you or your loved ones believe that you have received negligent treatment, please contact us on 0151 559 0120 or complete our online claim form and one of our specialist solicitors will call you back.

How do I make a complaint against my medical professional relating to negligent treatment?

It is important that you are aware of your rights to make a complaint against the medical professional who treated you. If you are complaining against an NHS hospital, most hospitals and NHS Trusts have a Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

Details of each PALS can be found on the website of the NHS Trust who you intend to complain against.

If your problem is with a GP or dentist, it is always a good idea to raise the complaint directly with the practice manager of the GP or Dental surgery where you received your treatment.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can raise a complaint with NHS England or directly with the regulator such as the General Medical Council or General Dental Council.

Check if You're Eligible

Contact us to find out if you're eligible to make a Medical Negligence Claim.

Submit your phone number and a member of our experienced team will call you.

Make a Claim

Start your Medical Negligence Claim online today.